Thursday, 27 September 2012

Goal 4: Camp at 5 Provincial Campsites & Goal 7: Visit 10 local attractions

So, this weeks post is a story about why we almost completed my goal of camping at 5 provincial campsites in a year, but not quite. And how almost can often be good enough, if not better. Especially when you hold your goals loosely.

This weekend myself, Charming and two good friends decided to go camping at a Provincial Campground 1 hour out of Edmonton. Except any good campground that close to a large city on a perfect weekend at the very end of the season.... is going to be full.

So we ended up camping at a golf course. And then we ended up going golfing (which is one of the crazy dates I came up with, but didn't really expect to do...). We also ended up visiting Mulan's museum, which means that we have visited 5/10 edmonton/victoria attractions. We also got to do this camping with a childhood friend and her boyfriend, that now live in Edmonton. It was different, and crazy, and beautiful and good.

Instead of worrying about the fact that I didn't exactly complete the "provincial campsite" part of the goal, I am going to focus on the fact that we have camped 5 times in the past 2 summers. Which considering that both summers included multi-week non-camping vacations and a move each, is pretty spectacular. We have crammed a lot of living into our summers.

And that is precisely the point of my goals. So many of my goals are simply reminders to continually try new things, and get out there and experience life. Goals don't have to be stuck in the "self-improvement" category, but can serve as reminders to the great things you want to keep on doing, the great things that you need to start noticing, and the great things you need to start remembering.

Have any of you been inspired to make some fun life goals? Please comment below!


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