Wednesday, 29 May 2013

So its the end....

Have you noticed a decided lack of blog posts recently? Yeah.... so about that.

I originally started and designed my 1001 goals while working a night shift at a long-term care facility. I had no idea what I was doing with my life and my husband had no idea what he was going to do in his life. We were just drifting along, doing whatever came up.

We had both been in school for a long time, but for whatever reason neither of us had really spent any time figuring out who we were, or maybe more importantly, who we wanted to be. We just were.

And so we drifted. In and out of school, through jobs that were ok. Even through entertainment and friendships. We were rudderless.

And so when the storm hit, we just drifted around. And crashed a bit, and got bruised, and then continued to limp along. The goals came after I started reading stuff online about intention, simplicity and minimalism. Organization. Living out your dreams. Security. These were things I dreamed about, but didn't think I would really get until I was about 40. And I guess I just figured I would eventually bump into them, and somehow understand what to do and how to do it.

I wrote most of these goals to help me figure out who I wanted to be. After I spent some time thinking about this, most of the goals became about forming habits to become this person that I decided I wanted to be. The original goals had some totally random stuff on it, some stuff that was purely dreams, and some stuff that was work.

While doing the goals I have moved provinces, realized how much I love my profession, come to realize how much I love my current position in my profession, start to begin to realize how my profession works in my home life, how my social and emotional health interact, how my spiritual life can be fed, both socially and personally. And just so, so many things. We really have had a busy 2 years.

And we've stopped drifting. Today I asked my husband what he thought his purpose was, and he actually had an answer! And didn't have to go into detail, because he could just refer back to all the other conversations we've had about this. We don't know exactly what we are going to do in life, but we are moving in a specific direction and are clear on the end goal.

So, while I clearly didn't finish all my goals, I think I completed the main goal. I needed to find intention in my life, and I needed to figure out who I was, and how comfortable I was with that person. I needed to figure out some areas to work on, that I actually cared about, not just what someone else or a self-help book thought was important. I needed direction, a role, and... of course more goals!

But this time I don't have 101 goals for the next 3 years. I have about 5 goals for the next 5 years. I have realized in the past little while that much of what I want to work on now is about attitude and ways of living, not just one-time events.

So.... I don't know what's going to happen to this little blog. For now, I haven't found much I really want to write about in this space, but maybe in the future I will! If you want to keep up with what I am doing in my life check me out on instagram where I am taking a photo each day. I've really been having lots of fun with that. Also, if you want to see which goals I completed and which ones I didn't check that out here.

So, friends, this might be it.... or it might not be. Let's see what the future will throw at us, ok? Hobey ho!