Thursday, 24 May 2012

Goal 69: Healthy Homemaking Step #1

I was really happy to get Stephanie Langford's e-book Healthy Homemaking a couple of years ago. Stephanie's website, Keeper of the Home, was a really welcome find when I first got into improving the nutrition in our diet. Stephanie lives somewhere near Vancouver, BC which is just a hop, skip and a jump from my old neighbourhood, which means that she faces many of the same food sourcing challenges that I do.
I think I have mentioned that I love lists. So when I can find an e-book that is essentially a list of steps one can take to be more healthy, frugal and environmentally friendly, with a bunch of information on how to do it, I'm sold. I have wanted to work through this book in an organized manner for a while, which is why it is in my goals, so here is what I am learning and have learned as I have read and re-read this book over the past year. Hopefully you can find some ideas that inspire you to!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Goal 94. Read 5 Christian Books

I love reading books. Peter Pan once said, as we walked out of a library, "I love libraries because it means that anyone, for very little money, can learn anything." He is completely right. I love reading books which is why in my goals I have at least 26 books to read plus half the Bible! I have finished reading 5 christian books and want to share with you the good and the bad.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Goal 26. Planning retreat each week

Two very exciting things have happened in my life recently! I got a new job at a much larger general hospital in Edmonton, rather than a long-term care centre and have started courses to complete my degree! So needless to say I have been rather busy lately, and I have decided that my blog is going to be updated bi-weekly for the time being. I am very excited... but my first course is Stats! Scary!

While getting organized for school I realized I needed a better planner to organize my time and keep track of assignments. So I put together a quick Summer planner for myself which I am sharing with you here